1. God of Creation, Jesus the Son of God, Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity, Thank You for this message from your servant🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽. Man of God thank you for filling this gap in this generation. May God continue to bless and increase you sir, in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!!!🙏🏽

  2. Wisdom and Truth has given the upliftment of people's life through these teachings of the apostle.I know this gift is truly embedded in your life by the Holy Spirit, for the Glory of God, apostle

  3. The apostle Paul and the 12 disciples Matthias being the one to take the place of Judas Iscariot written in the bible and Jesus himself saying it is finished. What makes you believe you should carry the title Apostle?. Do you believe we are in need of a NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION to replace what is written in the bible.

  4. This preaching really touch my heart, I wish other man of God can preach and have inspiration like this and to preach to the world like this, to me Sir, ur preaching is the best .u wil not fall ijsn, hand of God wil uphold ur ministry and ur home, ijsn

  5. Man of God, you are a blessing to our generation. You know, I am a Baptist Pastor, as Baptist ministers, we don't listen to half-baked ministries without a Theological balanced sermon delivery. But for you, you are highly respected by me. I love your ministry. Keep your undiluted truth of the gospel messages, we following teachings. Jesus Christ will help you till you finish well in Jesus name. God bless you sir.

  6. Second agents of deception are Men.
    How men decieve, they tell you some truth and tell you some
    They exeggerate, they over talk of themselves., You exeggerate, a lying spirit has entered you.
    3 lies.Thisiswhy you need discernment.
    4deliberate misinterpreting facts
    5heresay.pick and choose somethings
    6.circumstances.mark 4:19 wealth and riches can decieve and you create an impression you are not..
    Deception blinds your eyes, when your eyes are bilnded, you will never hear God, you won't do his will, you will not enter enternal life.


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