The box office smash “Back to the Future”, skyrocketed 18-year-old Claudia Wells to fame, however she went missing from the …


  1. Really potent stuff. The Hollywood Cliffs Notes Version was that she went from BTTF to leaving to take care of her sick mother. Of course, the truth is far more interesting.

    It’s something how she was introduced to God in 1982, but He didn’t work His wonders until much later, at a time when she truly needed Him.

    The Seed was planted in 1982, slowly taking root over the years, but it flourished when she needed it most.

    I am continually astonished by God and His love, and how He reveals Himself at precisely the right time.

  2. She was great in back to the future. Sad she didn't do the others too. Glad she's where she is now being in a good place. I'm not religious but if it has helped her there's nothing to say.


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