1. This blessed movie made return to d narrow way which i hv drifted from because of sin.. Now i hv return to d strait way.. I hv the joy of the salvation of God.. Thanks mount zion films.. Am genuie born again.. Never to return.. Ready to forsake sin.. And walking towards the gate of heaven.. God bless u all.. 💕

  2. Hi Hi !
    I constantly watch your films and many times have been blessed.
    Glory be to God.

    I don't speak English well.

    But I would like to suggest that you make a lot more films about people who are poor. So that poor pagans or poor Christians also feel much more concerned.
    I also thought that it will be very blessed to make films where people die because of their love for the Lord.

    The Bible says that whoever lives godly will be persecuted.

    And also I also suggest that you write films where at the end, although the Christian suffers for lack of money or of children, he is nevertheless happy because God is his joy.

    I think we need such a message.

    In the movies too, you can also bring out the fact that even a very serious pastor also has Weakness that he works every day and also confesses his sins to other brothers who are not leaders.

    It's just proposals.

    I also think that we have to make it clear in these films that Jesus is not God the Father. They are two different people

  3. And we know that All things work together for good to them that love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Even the loss/breakage of an egg that was seen presented out of care to the natural eyes can be orchestrated by the hand of the Lord)

  4. Wow! I am blessed. God is indeed wonderful in using these group of people to bless the world through numerous lessons from this inspiring, Godly drama ministration. May God continue to bless you people more with His wisdom and knowledge to correct the world and guide His people towards Heaven in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. Thank you.

  5. I know many of us watching are filled with regret and we thank the Lord for his many mercies. The Lord is so wise and we are so dumb. Today is another day that I will forget the past and look to the next moments, days, weeks and years until I see him face to face in his Glory. Obedience is better that sacrifice Praise the Lord.

  6. Marriage is truly spiritual, ordained by God with His own principles for joy, fruitfulness and lasting success. We need to understand that anything that is of God the devil is against. Bottom line any loop hole the enemy comes in and takes advantage to wreck what is of God. We cannot run Marriage on our own terms irrespective of the world's dictates or modern culture. We can see that is failing anyway. May God help us to align our desires and will with that of God in Jesus name.

  7. Narrow way the only way, unfortunately many Christians are on the broad road without knowing.
    Luke 9:23

    King James Version

    23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
    The cross is not a fancy one,it is an old rugged cross.

  8. Have been richly blessed, and my soul lifted. I pray the Lord grant us the grace to flee all appearances of evil, and to present our vessels pure and holy till the end in Jesus mighty name.


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