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  1. AHA, this is an example of the AFRICAN CRAZY MENTALITY when it has to with your PERSONAL/FAMILY SAFETY & SECURITY🔏🔏🔐🔐💻💻💻📹📹📹📽️📽️📽️‼️‼️‼️
    So, we sometimes, or more often than not, take our INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION for GRANTED;
    I don't REALLY KNOW why we do it, but I think, some of us haven't been EXPOSED to the HARSH/TOXIC ENVIRONMENT/MENTALITY out there, so we sort of lose TOUCH of the TRUE REALITY as pertaining our SAFETY!
    For, how do you wake up from BED or @ MIDNIGHT 🌌🌌🌌🎑🎑🎑🌃🌃🌃 and hear a KNOCK @ that UNGODLY HOUR, but still cast CAUTION in the WIND 🌬️🌬️🌬️🌪️🌪️🌪️🌀🌀🌀 to go and sign your DEATH WARRANTY!

  2. I feel tricked into watching this movie, the title and coupl praying gave me the assumption it was a movie about GOD. I love to watch African movies because the majority always had a faith based lesson. Everything that becomes popular in the US seems to extract GOD. Don’t get me wrong it was entertaining but I could not find the GODly message in this and I kept waiting for it


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