Bishop T.D. Jakes, bestselling author, filmmaker, and bishop of The Potter’s House, delivers one of the best motivational speeches …


  1. A man CENTERED gospel will NOT save you from Hell. God the Father has placed His only begotten son Jesus over EVERYTHING and EVERYONE concerning the church. The teachings of Christ is the ONLY gospel messages that will save you from ETERNAL damnation.

    📖 Colossians 1:18 📖
    And He (Christ) is the head of the body, the CHURCH; He is the beginning and the FIRSTBORN from among the dead, so that in EVERYTHING He (Christ) might have the SUPREMACY.

    Christ should be absolutely first and foremost in EVERYTHING concerning your life 😁 or He’s absolutely NOTHING in your life 😞

    Please do not allow yourselves to be deceived, absolutely EVERYTHING revolves around CHRIST!! ❤️🙏🏾

  2. IL•LU•SION: a thing that is WRONGLY perceived or interpreted by the senses.

    DE•LU•SION: an idiosyncratic BELIFE that is FIRMLY maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as REALITY, typically a symptom of MENTAL disorder.

    What does God allow to take place in the lives of professing Christians who simply resist or reject the TRUTH of His life saving words?

    📖 2 Thessalonians 2:11 📖
    For THIS REASON God sends them a POWERFUL DELUSIONS so that they WILL believe the LIE. (spoken by false teachers)

    He sovereignly allows them to be consumed with the false teacher’s lies as a form of judgement against them. It is a true fact that MOST Professing Christians would much rather prefer to hear lies being told and mixed with a few scriptures, than to hear the 100% whole truth. The enemy’s hidden objective is to make the unsuspecting listeners FEEL GOOD about the lies that have been spoken by the FALSE teachers.

    📖 Isaiah 30:10 📖
    They (professing Christians) say to the (true prophets) seers, “See NO more visions!” and to the (true) prophets, “Give us NO more visions of what is RIGHT! Tell us PLEASANT things, prophesy ILLUSIONS.

    The hidden danger is that a lie can sometimes FEEL better than the truth. That is why we often times embrace falsehood unawarely.

    Sent with love, take care and God bless ❤️🙏🏾


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