An 18-year-old changes her mind as she’s about to undergo an abortion, chooses adoption, and gives birth to a son who grows …


  1. I adopted 2 boys, one through children's Aid age 18 months, and and second one through private adoption ,newborn . We went through 12 years of infertility and my heart ached for a baby. It was so hard hearing about abortion, abandoned babies and unwanted abused children. God had planned for us our 2 beautiful adopted sons and then our 3rd son surprised us, we finally got pregnant. I couldn't never understand how mothers could abort their babies when they can give their baby to a loving family. If the government diverted the billions of dollars from abortion to adoption, so many lives will be saved and families dreams come true. If the government took the role of waiving adoption fees and helping the mother with expenses, no 30 thousand dollar adoption fees, hundreds of thousands of babies will be in families who want to give them a good loving home. So many millions of babies killed and millions could've had been given a chance to life, love, happiness and feel hugs and kisses. Thank you for sharing your life story, hopefully someone watches your video and too chooses to give their baby life and a loving home. God bless

  2. I would love to adopt beside have my own. I love children and want to raise them in the Lord for such a thankful blessing they are. Waiting for kingdom spouse to marry and pray he'll like to adopt too

  3. My cousin on meth gave birth. Baby was taken. I didn't know this. 3am I can't sleep. I hear clearly, "Get on your knees and pray" I didn't understand so I ignored it. Again I hear but louder, "Get on your knees and Pray" I thought that was really weird and I still didn't understand. The 3rd time I hear LOUD!!!! "GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY!!!" I flew out of bed and on my knees and asked, What should I pray for? The voice said, "Pray for Lana and the baby" I prayed, please take care of Lana and the baby. Then I heard, "Call your aunt Donna in the morning" then as if nothing happened I got in bed and fell right to sleep. In the morning I called my aunt. She told me my cousin was trying to get ahold of me to foster her baby. We fostered 3 times and finally at the age of 7 we adopted. The baby went through so much bad with the bio parents but we trusted God, we never left her life, always taking the baby when bio mom dropped her off day or night. Our adopted daughter is a teen and thriving! God spoke to me and I'll never say it didn't happen. When I gave my life to Jesus he showed me a golden light and I felt a peace and love like nothing on this earth. The Holy Spirit keeps me on track and guides me in this life. God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are REAL!

  4. My mother gave birth to me when she was 17. Her parents encouraged her to have an illegal abortion. She kept me. I am now 70 years old. I admire her strength to choose life at a time when keeping your child cost you everything. Thank you, Mom. God bless you.

  5. The Birth Mother lovingly released her child into the arms of parents who were Believers. She chose.
    Amazingly, the son grew up, & drawn to Pro LIFE during School. Responded with deep Compassion for a Mother who chooses Life, & Adoption. In that moment, I saw that he had the compassion of his Birth Mother; and conviction of his adopted Christian Family upbringing. Like Christ's heart.

  6. How dare you all make adoption seem like anything other than the abuse and amoral transfer of helpless infants. How many of us would rather have been cut to pieces and vacuumed out of our mothers instead of being gas lit and abused for eighteen years. Im sorry if some people have fertility issues. But that doesn't mean the identity theft of a helpless baby fixes it. Yes let's pray let's pray that the holy spirit encourage people to think of the baby first and their own sexual and fertility wants absolutely last. I pray that people will stop being so incredibly selfish and consider that we adoptees might actually die without our health histories. I pray that we come to understand that you are only given one mother and father and that these relationships are not replaceable at a whim and neither is this baby's history or immediate and extended family. Only absolute orphans should end up outside their family of origin and if you guys really want to hold babies and love them as you say you do you won't mind volentering every day at a live in school for actual orphans that because they are actual orphans belong to the entire community not left alone with just one infertile couple to be done with however they please in isolation for 18 years. No way no how. If you truely love someone you will be ok that they are themselves and not what you have decided you were going to turn them into. If you truely love them you will want them to be safe and have a good chance at life even if you don't get to control their life for them instead of them working to become who God always intended for them to be.

  7. Wonderful beautiful story. I love to hear people acknowledging God our Creator as the Lord of life. Those who kill babies try to usurp the power and authority of God, His right to rule. They don’t believe that He can help people manage the unknown and can make everything work together for the good of all. He most definitely can. Faith in God and His almighty power is the answer to all challenges. Murder is never the answer. Our God will not force His children to trust Him and accept life, but there will be grave consequences for those who choose death. Choose LIFE! and be rewarded with life and love.

  8. Kristin Hawkins knows some non-profit organizations that will take you in and help you, they also will take the baby and give them to a good family. You don't have to send them to the state foster care system.


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