Dave and Rich Christiano join Holly and Isaac as their special guests. The Christiano Brothers share about their strategy for …


  1. Yes, I really enjoy the fact knowing that the Christiano Brothers do what they do for the honour of God. I love that their movies are deeply rooted in scripture.

    John 15:5
    I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.


  2. I absolutely love all four of these movies that I have seen! I will watch Unidentified when this show is over! These brothers movies are over the top in inspiration and living a Christian life! Anytime I see Christiano attached to a movie I know it will be a blessing! Ya'll stay cool in Texas, I'm in North Texas and we hit 110°F here yesterday!

  3. I am thankful that Dave and Rich are so faithful and obedient to the Lord’s calling on their lives (Eph 2:10). I have watched most of their films, including Dave’s 7th Street Theater series and the early moves from the late 80’s and 90’s, and find not only my faith strengthen but encouraged to live more purposely for Jesus. I believe a direct sharing of the Gospel is needed.

    I met Rich at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival in 2009. At lunch, he asked if I would be interested in securing Upstate South Carolina theater placement of his new movie “The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry”. With church sponsorship, we were able to secure two theaters for 4 weeks each (if my memory is correct). A true blessing for me although a lot of work.

  4. I know I want a strong massage, rather than a lukewarm hypocrite one, there are to many ones that make you think you can live like the rest of the world, and say I'm a Christian, there's no change, we have to change for God to prove we truly believe in Him by following what he says. Amen

  5. Thank you very much for this programme. The christinano brothers are my favourite film makers, it was wonderful hearing their story. They are amazing movie producers. I've loved all their movies and I can't wait for the next one.the content of their films is very biblical and deep to our faith. Please continue ministering to us thought films, your films have really ministered to me at my lowest point.

  6. is rare that I finish watching a "Christian film" or a family type film because most of the time the script uses euphemisms that take The Lords name in vain.
    I refuse to continue to watch after that. how can a follower of Jesus let that slip in their script? I don't know, but I don't support that.


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