This may have been the greatest message I have ever heard and was Myles’ last incredible message from earlier this year at our …


  1. Great teaching, but wrong move with the request for money at the end in exchange for the anointing. Let's remember that the same Lord who said in Matthew 10:41, "whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward" has also said in Matthew 10:8, "Freely you have received; freely give".

  2. 1.Be conscious of your mortality that everybody dies and nobody lives forever.
    2. books to read: Passing it on. The power of character and leadership.
    3.Jesus did not build buildings. He built people. True legacy is in people and not in projects.
    4.Interview people asking them "If you die today…"
    5.True leaders don't focus on themselves. they focus on others
    6.leadership is not measured by how many people serve you. its measured by how many people you serve
    7.true leadership is one who leads


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